echoic memory is the sensory memory of sounds used to register auditory information. Unlike visual visual memory that our eyes have to scan over and over our echoic memory is stored and lasts longer. The audio passed to the ear is formed one by one for example listening to the radio in comparison to reading a magazine over and over.

It never really crossed my mind how important sound was when it came to our memory and how useful it really was. So for example this is why we can familiarise ourselves with song lyrics so easily because we can remember sound a lot more easier. So when I discovered I had a home video that was put together by my grandad on a old video camera it really enlightened me how I could use this sound. For me it personally brings back so many memories from my childhood. I never realised how much certain background noises really made a impact on how I visually recalled the the video. It allowed me to engage and connect with it emotionally as I can see the happiness me and my siblings had as children growing up. Sounds such as little giggles and messing around made me really reflect back on these precious times. Id even say things like background conversation involving my parents and grandparents was really interesting. This is because as a child I was never really aware of topics of conversation or even what my parents would be talking about, as I was probably so focused on what my siblings were doing or having fun. So after this election I wanted to recognise how I could emerge these thoughts into my project. Ive decided to get images of old photographs and use sound from the home movie to play over the photograph so the viewer is able to visually engage with the photograph and then have the effect of the sound playing on top.

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