Overall I am really happy with how each of my images have turned out each photo has a individual story and meaning behind it which was really what the project was all about. The aim for me wasn’t to solve my question of wherever our memory is effected by photography in the digital age. ButContinue reading “FINAL PIECE SET OF IMAGES”

On dust: Memory as performance

By Natasha Lushetich My other module photography and visual culture has allowed me to visit some interesting concepts on Dust and how it ties in nicely with my work on memory and photography, here are some interesting ideas from Natasha Lushetich work which I will explain how this works nicely. Difficult to clarify triggers confusionContinue reading “On dust: Memory as performance”

Asset tutorial Prep and Progress

This week I have began preparation for the assists tutorial by starting to experiment with some archive images and images that I have recently taken for the project after having some feedback from peers in the sessions, it was apparent that a good way of showing memory fading was to create an idea of layersContinue reading “Asset tutorial Prep and Progress”


Barthes argues that a photograph dosent signify a memory meaning that memories aren’t always just images and sometimes smells and sounds. This leads on to my idea on including a sound archive from a old home movie that was created when me and my siblings were younger. Barthes also argues that a photograph is aContinue reading “ROLAND BARTHES MEMORY AND MOURN”

How to preserve your Digital Memories

Continuing to think… The way in which we see and make photos has changed the way we see photography due to technology. We are taking photos much more casually and perhaps naturally due to our access of technology and how easy it is to do so. This is why we are taking more photos thanContinue reading “How to preserve your Digital Memories”

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